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About This Station

Welcome to my weather station pages. Local weather data is collected using a Davis Vantage Pro2+ with Daytime FARS. The site and its data is collected using WeatherLink Live with CumulusMX software and a Meteobridge Pro2 which reads the data from the Davis 6253 Console. The data is uploaded to the website every 2 seconds while the full website update interval is 5 minutes. The instruments must be situated correctly for a proper representation of the current weather conditions. A perfectly sited station is said to achieve a grade of 30/30. Adrians Weather Station grades in at 26/30. The temperature and humidity sensors are situated in a 24 hour fan aspirated radiation shield for better temperature recording as well as UV and Solar Radiation Sensors . The manual rain gauge is a Tropo premium Cocorahs approved gauge and is situated in a clear and open space, affixed to a 4X4 which stands 5 feet from the ground. The automated gauge is a precision tipping bucket design with bird spikes installed.The wind sensors (vane and anemometer) were positioned away from the main unit with its data transmitted via a solar powered wireless transmitter (#6332) and sits atop a 10 foot EMT pipe which is attached to a 12 foot 4X4 at a height of 22 feet recommended height is 30 feet. The Davis Vantage Pro2+ has proved to be very reliable and the only maintenance has been some periodic cleaning, battery replacements and the occasional unblocking of the rain gauge.

Davis Station Davis Station